You have royality inside of you 🦸🏾✨
It's time for our community to wake-up and know thyself. 🤴🏾✨👸🏿 Your Melanin is the key to unlock the universe And Our World❗ The Higher Concentrate Melanin You Have! The Higher Consciousness / Awareness You Get. Also Be Able To Connect With Nature And Your Power Of Manifestos For What You Want Or Desire will Become Increasingly True According To Your Faith ⚖️ 👑 ☀️ How to activate your Pineal Gland... ☀️ Do this For 4-6 Month Eat Healthy, Exercise Fasting, Do not Stress, Forgive, Look Towards Deep Inside Of You, Learn to Surrender To God, Meditate on the Positive Word Of God And things, be Humble, Find Happiness, Be kind, loving, Pray from with-in not with-out and For Short Amount Of Time Isolate Your-Self From crowd To Receive Power. Most importantly Melanin is within your DNA 🧬 structure. It most concentrate place is with-in your eyes so do not Visit or go to optician, (unless its your last option)❗ less they will flash you out with their technology by dispersing the Melanin concentrate inside your eyes and set your consciousness back 7 years behind ⚖️📆 This is it... Do This Things And Glitch The Matrix With Power Of True Reality 🤩 SHARE THIS IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS ⚖️🕒 Time To Awake The Consciousness Of Our People🦸🏾☀️