Pan-African Super App

Rules of 20/20/20 Unlock your Mind 🗝️



1, Reset your mind by getting outside and look 20 meter a crosse the distances... 2, Deep breath and excel as you relax 3, Geez towards the blue sky and see the electo light 4, Drink two letters of PH7.8+ nature water 5, Be positive and enthusiastic about life 5, Meditate towards having Gama wive 6, Be Pure, Honest, Clear, Single Minded and Real 7, Start Tuning Your Deep Heart Feelings, Thought And Sounds Towards Manifestos 8, Be Awaken, Conscious And In The Moment 9, Be Forgiving, Happy, Loving, Kind, Wise And Visionary With Great Ideas. 10, Go Out And Change Your World To Be A Better Place.