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Get rid of kidney stone with this simple recipe⚡



This popular home remedy involves a mixture of honey, lemon, vodka, and olive oil. However, this remedy is all natural herbs except the vodka, and the efficacy of this concoction and individual responses may vary. To try this remedy, mix two ounces of organic olive oil with two ounces of lemon juice and two ounces of organic honey. Follow this by taking a shot of pure vodka and drinking plenty of water. The idea behind this mixture is that the olive oil and lemon juice may help lubricate and break down the stone, while honey and vodka supposedly provide additional cleansing properties. It's important to approach such remedies with caution, considering that kidney stones require proper medical evaluation and treatment. #KidneyStoneRemedy #HomeRemedies #NaturalHealth #Wellness #ConsultYourDoctor #KidneyHealth #HealthyLiving #HolisticHealth #LemonandHoney #OliveOilBenefits #VodkaRemedy #HealthTips #MedicalAdvice #KidneyStoneAwareness #SelfCare #NaturalHealing #HealthyChoices #KidneyStonePrevention #HolisticWellness #StayInforme