Empress Woizero Menen Asfaw BirthDay.
On April 3/1981, Empress Woizero Menen Asfaw was Born, we commemorate our beloved Ethiopian Queen and a wife of Emperor Haile Selassie I. H.I.M Emperor Haile Selassie wrote, the Empress was kind in nature, she is a total stranger to cruelty and offensiveness. We have lived since our marriage through yearyof good and I'll fortune by sharing together our happiness as well as our sorrow's. የንግስት ወይዘሮ መነን አሰፋው ሕይወት በፀጋ የተሞላ ነበር... Empress Woizero Menen Asfaw life was: በእርዳታ - Charity በሚዛን - Balance በታማኝነት - Faithful በክብር - Grace በፀጋ - Virtu