Pan-African Super App

Ethiopian must unite more than ever knowing HR6600 is a distablisation act.



HR6600 is a distablisation act. It's targeted to support terrorists and destroy Ethiopia's sovereignty. This careless, ego-centric decisions bill will not only affect many Ethiopians but also the USA. In the name of the American people, the US government has always commited and will continue to commit immoral, unjustified and bullying acts around the world. "Truth may get thiner, but will never break" As a citizen of the US and Europe, what will you say when the day comes, where the world delivers justice against all that has been done to them? Humanity and preserving life should only be the focus of our sole existence, yet geopolitics, profit, power have become the devil's toys in the hand of the so called the free world leaders. Stop supporting terrorists in the name of good. You don't amputate a leg because you have a headache, millions of people mostly women and children are the target of this #HR6600DistablisationAct. Ethiopia will always prevail. #nomore #USMeddling #cancelhr6600