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People will try to put you down to their vergen of reality! Be careful not to pu...
Mind over matter - 👑⚖️✨
#animals #africanwonders #wildlife #wild #tembeakenya #wildlifeconservation #nai...
It's time for Africa to unit as Pan-Africansim and upgrade our trade areas withi...
Life is to be experience in everything we do, but if you protect your energy and...
ከ 2ዐዐዐ አመታት በፊት በግእዝ ፊደል የተፀፈው መፅሐፍ ቅዱስ ለዘመናት የቆየ ሚስጢርን ይናገራል ይህም ኢትዮጲያ የእየሱስ እ...
It's time for Pan-African Vibes and dance follow me...💃🏾🥂
Ethiopians are the original Jews The Jewish lost tribe of Dan lived in Ethiopia...
Africa is the unique continent in the world, both in population and land mass. I...
PLO Lumumba Message for the Pan-African communities WARNING ⚠️ Neo-Colonialism...
Plo Lumumba - What’s happening in France is a warning to the whole of Europe. ...
Julius Malema - If We Become a United States of Africa with a single currency we...
The world Wealth Is In The Hands of Our People if we awaken Our higher Conscious...
Joshua Maponga: the time is know for Africa to rise-up economically. Africa mu...
P.L.O. Lumumbar raise awareness, promote discussions, and encourage action regar...
Rastafarianism is a religious and cultural movement that originated in Jamaica i...
African Destiny: Tech, Economy, Integrity Africans have the power to take cha...
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