Let's all work towards creating this things and change our lifestyle to better ✨
We the people of Africa are on our-own We must wake-up and work together to sha...
ምድራችን በጣም ሰፊናት ለሁሉም ትበቃለች የሕሊናችንን አስተሳሰብ በሰላም ቀይረን በፍቅር እናስክራት ከዚያም አልፎ እንገንባት እ...
Knowledge is the power of life to heal, love, act and know about life itself 👑
We all are one in spirit but unique individual in physicality form of beings.
#Spiritual #lifestyle #knowledge #power #love #responsibility #vision #kind #wis...
Because he was a revolutionary with vision to change the world economy with gold...
The world leaders are controlled by other spiritual beings, they are anti-human...
Time to reform our stractcher of society and quickly build Pan-African community...
Dr. Sebi, Get read off the mucus from your body and let the healing process beg...
It's a crime to make Pan-African community work hard like this and pay them almo...
As a sovereign people of Pan-African, Let our people become first in any sustain...
I have no respect for useless African leaders and people, those who sales our re...
Julius Malema It's time for Africa to rise as one nation and make a way for Pan-...
አድዋ የኢትዮጲያን አንድነት አርሞና የጥቁር ሰው ነፃነት ግርማ ነው። The battle of Adwa is the symbol of...
የኢትዮጲያ ነገስታቶች እንዴት ሐገራችንን ከጠላት እንዳዳኗት ከዚያም አልፎ እንዴት ለአፍሪካ ነፃነት ተምሳሌት መሆን እንደቻሉ ።
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