His commandments are to love others like yourself ⚖️
Jordan Peterson For the spiritual warfare the best place to locate and defeat...
Stop Worrying For Small things In Life And Think About Your Future My People If...
History Lesson from India to the rest of the World 🌎🇮🇳 #india
#AKON Explain Why We Should Promote Africa And Stop Speaking too much Negative. ...
If my people wake-up and unit we can buy z whole world... Creat our own media, s...
He says My people are Sick. Because of the music they listen... Is he right l...
Credit to Tiktok: @maxkungfu14
ገንዘብ በትክክለኛ መንገድ ለማስገባት አንድ ሰው አገልግሎት መስጠጥ ብቻ ነው የሚጠበቅበት።
በአለም ደረጃ በየትኛውም ሐገር መንግስትን አኩርፎና በዘር ተደራጅቶ የሚገኝ ሰላም የለም ። ከዚህ ዘረኝነትና ጉmኝነት የሚገኘ...
Know Thyself 👑 To change your life around No matter you do, Be real to yoursel...
Let us talk! Our politician must carefully observer the agreement and decision...
A man is not a man until he is doing things with righteousness at it's core. Man...
Health is wealth 🩺
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