This is what life is... #LOVE #PEACE #HAPPINESS #JOY
It's time for our society to wake up! and stop following those rules that prev...
Mankind lives according to his/her Mentality, Consciousness and Environment so i...
One of amazing being the world has experience ever 🤴🏾🥂
Don't be short sighted with temporary feelings and wasting time playing with you...
This days with all this technology rapping is easy 🎧🎚️🎛️🎙️🎥
If this makes sense to you❗Share this video to help Our Society to Wake-up and r...
#ethiopia #princess #culture #lifestyle #royalty #fashion #vibe
Always ask yourself❓ Are you: WINNER - WITH DISCIPLINE ✓ 99%❓ SUCCESSful - With...
Eshëtu mê mågito... IG page - @luvadepedreiro #Football #brazil #ball #foo...
In order for self to realize one must be silent and listen what the other person...
We must not be naive for what is happening in our world. We must Wake-up to pro...
ጠቅላይ ሚኒስቴር ዶ/ር አብይ አህመድ የመፀሐፍቶችን ለአዲስ ላይብረሪ ሲመረቅ ለለገሱ የተናገሩት ንግግር ። #ኢትዮጲያ #መፀሐ...
You kicking with the wrong leg 🕺🏽
Take me there anytime because It's like a paradise 🥂
If you didn't know the history that started the revolution of AEthiopian (Afric...
What are you passionated about, find it and make decision with yourself to compl...
ነፍስን የሚያነቃ የኦርቶዶክስ መዝሙር 🤴🏾💡👸🏽 #መዝሙር #ዖርቶዶክስ #ተዋሕዶ
ኢትዮጲያ ለሁላችንም ትበቃለች ፣ ይልቅ ቀና ብለንና አስተውለን የመጪውን ዘመን አህጉራችንን የምናስከብርበትን መንገድ እንስራ ።
Protect Your Flame With Your Consciousness💡 People who you with, will lift you u...
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