Did you know #FixFiy will soon start competitions of Viral dancing video's with...
Play African Music, Film's, Social Vibes, multiple Shopping to buy products, op...
In the honour of Nipsey Hussle he was a glitch in the matrix for black community...
ይቺ የወሎ ልጅ አንገተ ዥጉርጉር....
Where are our educated melanin people? We must unity to change our future for go...
Did you know? Africa never been colonized by Russians but westerns...
Let no one bring you down! Because you are unique and special, the world needs y...
Here is the difference between African & One Africa | One Africa Launch. #Afric...
" Try not to be only a man of success but try to be a man of honour, integrity a...
Who doesn't like African music? Relax and Enjoy this vibe my people... #africa...
I am AEthiopian ( African ) And I am proud in myself and in my people. #aethiopi...
Life supposed to be simple and beautiful and music / Dance are expretion of your...
#Pan-Africa #music #africandance #afroplay #dance #couple's #vibe #africa #afric...
Only a few Men and Women over-stand there unique self, but a Woman who knows wha...
Time to Wake-up Grand Cardon one of America milioner speaks about the economy a...
በዘረኝነትና በጦርነት ምንም የሚገኝ ነገር የለም ! ለዘመናት የሚሆን ውጊያ እንጂ። ስራ መሰራት ሐገርን መገንባትና ማሻሻል...
Wake-Up with mentality of Pan-Africanisem!
If we can fix the corrupt Mentality with love and knowledge if we have passion f...
፩, የአባቶቻችን ጀብድና ታሪክ የተፃፈበት ሰንደቃላማ ይመለስ ። ፪, ዘረኝነት ከሐገሪችን እንዲቆም መንግስት አጥብቆ ይስራ ።...
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